Chocolate and it's health benefits.❤️

Chocolate and it's health benefits.❤️

With so many trends coming and going, one thing has remained constant—chocolate has never lacked attention. It's a widely popular tradition in the world to give your loved one a box of chocolates on Valentine's Day. It's an old tradition where even the boxes of chocolate are saved as a memory keepsake. Chocolate comes with several health benefits, here are the few facts. check out!!

Chocolate has an emotional effect on People

Giving chocolate is not just a sign of love but also given us ways to express delight, initiate desire, express your apologies and rekindle a friendship, or even given just to simply uplift the mood as it’s a powerful mood enhancer.

Keeps your heart happy and healthy 

Take care of the heart of those who care for you. Chocolate produces nitric oxide, one of the functions of NO is to send signals to the arteries to relax, which lowers resistance to blood flow and therefore reducing blood pressure and keeping the heart-healthy.

 A dark seduction for the diet conscious

Research proves that dark chocolates have a high satiety value and therefore they make you feel full for a longer time. They are packed with MUFA'S (monounsaturated fatty acids) that are known to boost your metabolism and burn fat. When eaten in moderate quantities, dark chocolate is known to slow the digestion process and curb cravings

Chocolate is an aphrodisiac Food

Chocolate is said to contain substances that inflames desire and makes the beloved ones more open to romance. It was found that chocolates contain 'love-drug', which triggers  romantic trysts. Chocolate is proven to produce a natural high which elevates mood and often equated to feeling in love.

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